SolCaronte's Sunny Boat

The Captain's Log

~ one coin per soul, no refunds

Greetings, I am SolCaronte.
Ferryman of deprecated code.
All-time skeleton enthusiast.

Here, you shall see my thoughts as they appear. Enjoy!

Captain's Memories

# 2024.08.22 Thursday am 04:54

Small website update! Not much besides fixing up the rss feed and some routing. Thinking of changing the font of the site later, but I'm still undecided. It's not like the current one looks BAD or anything.

Besides that, I'll soon (tomorrow) be traveling the US of A. Praying I don't get shot!

# 2024.08.06 Tuesday pm 19:00

The months go by and so does life. I've been focusing on university (and a bit of writing) for the most, so I haven't updated this site as much as I'd want to. I've been thinking of doing more rants, but who knows! I don't! I'll certainly try to, as I don't want to leave this blog abandoned.

Also, I finally found the so-desired PDF to Markdown, which can be found here.

# 2024.01.11 Thursday pm 15:36

So, it's been a while. Gotta say, things have been going great since I last posted here - VERY great, in fact. As you can see, I have no, in fact, remade this site in Astro, nor do I plan to in the future.

It's too much trouble to fix something that's not broken, honestly.

I may start posting some stories now and then while I'm free, but only time will tell. Until next time! (which hopefully won't be another whole year)

# 2023.06.30 Friday pm 23:54

I've finally given up on using Emacs as my daily editor. Vim is, sadly, simply more convenient for what I do day-to-day. Don't get me wrong, Emacs is good, VERY good, but it simply doesn't have the community work (plugins/packages) that the Vim ecosystem does. Vim is just way faster for quick file editing, and the configuration is WAY easier and less arcane when it comes to configuring LSP. Like, holy molly, LSP is a goddamn nightmare on Emacs.

This doesn't mean I'll stop using Emacs forever, but its prolly going to stay as my second editor/prose-writing software (hell, I'm writing this very post on Emacs) until I can find a way to make it more usable. I'll still keep it as my N°1 choice on my desktop computer, since I'm using StumpWM, and it would feel wrong not to use Emacs as well. On other news: I'll probably be checking out how I can migrate this Zola blog into Astro.

Why? Because I can, and because Astro is fun to use.

# 2023.05.19 Friday pm 13:57

After much pain and suffering, I've given up on Emacs (for a while). Besides being painful to update and open up in a useful and quick way, it just broke on me completely as I tried to update my packages with straight.

I think I'll be going back to my dear and lovely Vim until I gather enough fucks to use Doom Emacs, as it's just not really worth it to spend so much time configuring Emacs and have it not work regardless.

Been inactive for while due to University, but I'll try to post more frequently.

# 2023.03.12 Sunday pm 21:57

I've finally gotten Hunspell to work for both Spanish and English! This I've also decided to temporarely return to Dark Mode in some programs (e.g Emacs) to see how it feels after around 3 months of using Light Mode almost exclusively.

I'll prolly start posting short stories here soon enough since I've gotten a lot of free time recently. Cheers!

# 2023.03.10 Friday pm 20:34

Finally, my Emacs configuration is complete. I have already copied it on my laptop and has pretty much everything I'll ever need from a text editor. I may sync it later between my machines, but that's for much later. The only thing I couldn't get to work was hunspell, which really annoys me, but oh well.

# 2023.03.05 Sunday am 02:42

Soon, very very soon, university will start once again! In the meantime, I have been finishing-up my Emacs configuration, which is already over 400 lines long, and have managed to integrate LSP and all other stuff I could want. It's been around 2 months since I last used vim/nvim for anything, and I've already developed muscle reflexes for some of the Emacs keybindings.

Truly terrible stuff.

Soon enough, too, I will add a new section to this site to post stories, tales and other prose-y stuff that I feel like sharing at the moment.

# 2023.03.02 Thursday pm 17:43

My Emacs configuration has reached 300 lines and will soon be ready for use on all my machines. I am still having an internal debate with myself about whatever to use the evil keybindings or Emacs key-chord system. I am slowly getting used to the latter, so a switch is likely. The only thing I still need to discover is how to make emacs (or emacsclient, whatever), spawn as a GUI on TOP of a terminal instead of at the side. Yes, I could simply search files from Emacs itself, but sometimes I am browsing around my terminal and I want to make quick edits to stuff, so it can get a bit annoying.

Regarding Light Theme/Mode, I have become used to it as much as I had with Dark Theme. However, I have not seen any sort of differences in regards to how my eyes feel or how easy it is to read stuff compared to Dark Mode. Some people say Dark Theme is better for eye strain, some say Light Theme is better because you don't have to strain your eyes to read on a black background. Or that Dark Theme is better at night because it gives off less blue light and yadayada.

Personally, I think that unless you have some weird eye problems like astigmatism, Dark Mode should be just fine. And, you know, at least on phones and some DEs you can filter-out blue light on the settings if that's what you're worried about. Honestly, perhaps the better solution would be using settings for Light/Dark theme at certain times of day.

# 2023.02.17 Friday pm 23:20

As terrible — horrible, abominable — as it is, I have become used to Emacs keybindings. I like them, even. One could even go as far as to say I like them more than Vim keybindings. I still use Emacs as my main text editor, and I like how easy it is to do everything from it (terminals, file managers, etc). I have also gotten used to Light Theme on all my devices, and using Dark Theme now feels kinda weird and hard on the eyes.

I feel dirty and disgusted with myself. I loathe the face that stares back at me in the mirror — I hardly recognize it.

In other news, I have made my own Emacs configuration and am almost ready to ditch Doom Emacs. Do I still recommend Doom? Yes, I think it is a very good starting point, and very easy to use too. For now, I shall continue to configure Emacs and test out all the funny packages in it like Hydra, which has a very cool and epic name tbh.

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