SolCaronte's Sunny Boat

Me, Myself, and I

Welcome to one and all! It is I, Solcaronte!

Yeah, that's about it. I'm a guy from Argentina, early 20s, currently studying computer science and with dreams of server maintnence and backend development. I write a lot of fiction, be it sci-fi, horror or fantasy, on my free time. Mildly profecient on Linux and other UNIX-like systems, as well as fairly knowledgeable on several programming languages, from C to Haskell and Lisp.

I've also done quite a bit of webdev, using anything from static site generators (like Zola, which this blog is made with) to JS frameworks like Astro and Svelte. Most of my time is currently spend on uni and a few personel projects of mine, such as:

Amongst others.

If, for some reason, you'd like to contact me, you can find my email on the navbar up top. Just don't expect me to answer, as my email client is currently very broken. I FIXED IT, LET'S FUCKING GO BABY!!!!

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