SolCaronte's Sunny Boat

The Captain's Log

~ one coin per soul, no refunds

Greetings, I am SolCaronte.
Ferryman of deprecated code.
All-time skeleton enthusiast.

Here, you shall see my thoughts as they appear. Enjoy!

Captain's Memories

# 2023.02.14 Tuesday am 02:59

I have ZERO clue as to why some random-ass internet provider in the middle of fuck-ass nowhere Argentina prevented any SSH connections inside their networks — leading to my great and tragic disappearance for several days until I figured out I only needed to use a VPN. Fancy.

In other news, my Light Theme "experiment" is going nicely! I finally adjusted to them and I feel basically the same as I did with dark mode, perhaps even a little bit better in regards to reading on my phone while out in the sunlight. Emacs, as well, has proven to be a very nice editor all things considered as I've recently taken to making small projects in PureScript. LSP works great, Treemacs does too, and vterm is really useful to keep everything inside the programming environment. I'll likely update more frequently now that I am not chained by obscure internet restrictions. Until next time!

# 2023.02.08 Wednesday pm 21:08

While continuing on my journey of using Emacs as my main editor, I read some papers regarding the differences between Light Mode and Dark Mode in computers. Apparently, Dark Mode isn't all that good for people with certain kinds of eye defects such as I! Thus, I decided to put this to the test, and switched ALL of my graphical applications (Emacs and my phone included) into Light Mode.

One of the first things I noticed is that apps such as Discord put Light Mode in as kind of a afterthought - it's bad, straight up. Certain things look like absolute ass in it, but at least it's not "terrible". Most other applications work just fine, such as Emacs, and I'm starting to get used to it. I think Light Mode gets a really bad rep, but I suppose most of the fault comes from goblins who have never seen the light of day on their lives.

# 2023.02.05 Sunday pm 13:14

I'm still trying out Doom Emacs as my main text editor for a while, and workspeed has been greatly improved after discovering how to PROPERLY use emacsclient from dmenu. I am still unsure as to how to do certain things like open up files from within the terminal with emcas with having it create a brand new separate window at the side, although I SUPPOSE I could just use dired/dirvish instead of browing files directly from the terminal instead of inside Emacs.

There's still much to learn, and I'm not giving up just yet.

# 2023.02.04 Saturday pm 14:42

I've been playing around with vterm in Doom Emacs, and it is PRETTY nice as far as terminals go. Besides that, I've simply been configuring stuff like ispell, writeroom-mode and trying to keep my config pretty minimal. I still haven't gotten writeroom-mode exactly as I want to, but I'm getting there, I believe.

It still won't replace nvim as my primary editor for the time being, but it's getting close to being a really good GUI text editor.

# 2023.02.03 Friday pm 21:40

I've recently been toying around with Doom Emacs, and finally managed to properly setup and use emacsclient (even alongside dmenu!). I am still not really happy, however. While Doom Emacs is good, it has its flaws:

  • It has a lot of stuff inside it that I just don't use
  • It puts layers on top of base Emacs stuff that just really make it hard to configure
  • Makes it hard to truly configure your own Emacs - at least harder than just base Emacs

Still, its better than stuff like Spacemacs (yuck), and way better than 99% of Neovim distros.

# 2023.02.02 Thursday pm 17:16

I've returned to the writing scene after a long absence and so far so good! Been moving out of my confort zone by writing dark science-fiction and it's going pretty well. Other projects include making a small text-based game on either Pyhton or Twine and finding a way to use Arc Browser on Linux because damn, that shit looking good.

# 2023.01.25 Wednesday am 08:39

New note-taking system has been working wonders! Now that I have that mess cleared up, I'm between migrating from packer to lazy.nvim or making my own Emacs config from scratch (instead of using Doom Emacs) to see if I end up hating it less. Only time shall tell.

# 2023.01.25 Wednesday pm 22:58

After spending the entire goddamn day on the computer, I have finally migrated from packer.nvim to lazy.nvim to obtain 30ms of startup time.

Was it worth it? I don't really know. I can't exactly tell the difference. Should I have stayed with packer? Maybe, but I don't exactly regret migrating, since I ended up fixing/improving a lot of stuff on my original config. I guess its nice-er to use than packer, with its Mason-like interface, but that's about it. The method to configure plugins is confusing as hell, and the fact was 99% of plugins don't have an installation copy-paste for lazy like they do for packer doesn't make things easier. Perhaps it was a waste of time. Perhaps not. Only time (using nvim with lazy) will tell if I stay or switch back to the safe embrace of packer.

# 2023.01.24 Tuesday pm 13:13

I've finally found a simple way to keep notes in Obsidian without the need for 300 different plugins and hot-keys. I may like vim, but I think Obsidian will, in the end, be the best choice for keeping such a massive amount of interconnected notes and all over time.

# 2023.01.22 Sunday pm 16:13

Quiet days. Good days. Recently, I've just been tinkering with how to most efficiently (and easily) take notes - both for uni and in general. I have already outruled Emacs beacuse I don't really like it, even if Org Mode is very cool, and I don't want to give up hope on Obisidian yet. However, I've been thinking of just using mind.nvim as I'm already inside of nvim 80% of the day, and I might as well take my notes in there, even if setting it up is a bit confusing to me.

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