SolCaronte's Sunny Boat

The Captain's Log

~ one coin per soul, no refunds

Greetings, I am SolCaronte.
Ferryman of deprecated code.
All-time skeleton enthusiast.

Here, you shall see my thoughts as they appear. Enjoy!

Captain's Memories

# 2023.01.20 Friday pm 13:03

I've been recently trying out Obsidian for my notes and all that, but like many other things, I find it to be a... bit too much for my taste. It's not bad, mind you. It's a great markdown editor and has lots of good features. But it's just a lot to me, and I'm only using it because I can't exactly use vimwiki or emacs on my phone. Perhaps I'll just carry my computer everywhere and take it out in the middle of the street to make random notes. Who knows!

# 2023.01.19 Thursday pm 18:24

Quiet days. Good days. Been reading "The Linux Command Line" to oil up my terminal skills. Still sour about the PDF/EPUB thing, but I can live with it. After TLCL, I'll likely be reading some books on Lisp, since it's a pretty cool language.

# 2023.01.18 Wednesday am 01:00

I have been able to finally """read""" PDFs from the terminal by using pdftotext to make a .txt of a PDF, then reading it with bat (because I like how it looks compared to cat). However, this approach feels extremely sad to use and the overall formatting is TERRIBLE. Simply horrible to look at. I shall look into new options, as my end-goal is having a Glow-like tool but for PDFs instead of Markdown.

Wish me luck!

# 2023.01.18 Wednesday am 01:47

Never have I failed this hard on my life. I've been going on at this for hours, but while I could make a pretty perfect translation of PDF to HTML using pdf2htmlEX, I was pretty much unable to go from there. My first thought was that, perhaps, I could make an HTML page and then read it using something like lynx, but it was not meant to be, as it looked like shit. All my attempts thus far after that, including a weird chinese html terminal reader, have brutally failed, and I think its about time to give up and use a GUI like a fucking cuck.

Shame on me!

# 2023.01.17 Tuesday pm 16:00

Beginning a quest to find a tool (or set of tools) that will allow me to read pdfs and epubs on the terminal. So far no dice. Yet I am not loosing hope, and if everything fails, I will make my own!

# 2023.01.17 Tuesday pm 19:55

In an incredible display of laziness, yet somehow also making life harder for myself, I'm testing out how effective it would be to pass PDFs and EPUBs to Markdown to then read on the terminal with Glow.

By hand.

It's going by slowly, very slowly. It wont be much use for large folders of books, nor can it be done automatically (yet). However, I'm pretty sure I can make something to extract text from a PDF and pass it to a Markdown file (formatting is something I have absolutely no idea how it could be done, though). Yet, I am still hopeful!

# 2023.01.16 Monday am 02:19

Another day of work, another day getting coin by breaking my back hunching over a laptop. Truly, there is nothing more despicable than the mafia-like disputes of street vendors and their bosses arguing about missing certificates and delayed payments. Sometimes I wonder if it's only a matter of time until the hotdog vendors stage a murder on the head of the foreign sandwich vendors that recently arrived in the region. Only God knows for sure...

# 2023.01.16 Monday pm 15:54

Another day, another wonderful chance for things to violently explode on my face. Today I valiantly fought against my browser because it refused to load the new css changes on my website, making me think that, perhaps, I was writting it wrong somehow — completely preposterous. Aside from that, I decided to not be a subhuman monster and began using emacsclient with the daemon running in the background. Not that it'll matter much, because I'm a vim user, HAHHAHAHA HAHHHAHAHHAHHA AAAAAAAHAHAHHAA AAAAAAAAAAAAHA HAHAHAHAH.

# 2023.01.16 Monday pm 20:05

Starting to wonder how hard it would actually be to self-host a writing-assisting AI, as seeing that a friend of mine just created a fully functioning chat discord bot in around 4 hours using GTP3 that can summarize conversations in full detail. Both scary and incredibly funny that such incredible technology is so easy to use — not that it is a bad thing, mind you, "the more the merrier", as they say.

Many people worry about AIs taking over the creative world, but honestly, I couldn't really care less. I, for one, would be pretty excited to see fully-realized works of literature made by AIs. In the end, if you can't do anything about it, you might as well enjoy it and roll with the punches. If it happens, it happens.

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